5 Hair Weave Extension Myths Debunked
Posted on March 22 2019

Sometimes the decisions to get weave extensions are often clouded by things we hear about wearing extensions such as damage to the natural hair, limitations on lifestyle discomfort and other ideas that just are not true. Below are 5 basic myths that can be debunked pretty easily:
Myth 1:
Extensions limit your lifestyle:
Truth: Human hair extensions behave in the same exact manner as would your natural hair. If you have an active lifestyle that may involve, swimming, working out, saunas, steam rooms or all of the above the addition of extensions do not limit or take away from that activity. The hair should be cared for in the same manner you would your own natural hair with the use of the best products and tools that suit the hair. Extensions do not in any way limit your lifestyle, on the contrary, it gives the wearer the freedom to do everything they would do as if they were wearing their natural hair!
Myth 2:
Extensions can damage your own hair:
Truth: Professional application of extensions should not cause any damage to your own hair. As a matter of fact wearing extensions can often do the exact opposite. As a great protective style extensions have allowed many women the luxury of growing out their own natural hair due to low manipulation and great health practices. However women that have issues with hair and scalp generally should always seek out professional help and get advice on whether extensions are the best choice for them.
Myth 3:
Extensions cause discomfort and pain:
Truth: Extensions a pretty popular and for that reason are made to be comfortable or there would be many complaints and much loss on the business side of things. Extensions are being manufactured in ways that encourages comfort because often extensions are designed to be worn for months at a time. If for any reason there is any discomfort or unusual pain professional help should always be sought to determine the cause and eliminate any potential allergic reactions.
Myth 4:
Everyone will know I am wearing extensions:
Truth: There are many choices when it comes to picking the perfect match for your hair. Virgin human hair is the best choice when wearing hair that is undetectable. The variety on the market is exceptional in terms of hair type and hair source. Matching the hair is important and with professional help you are bound to find something that fits your hair type and need. In addition to hair texture and hair type any professional stylist can style the hair according to the look you are trying to achieve or just to frame your face.
Myth 5:
Extensions should not be worn continuously
Truth: Professional installation and removal of hair weaves allows the wearer to extend the wear of the weave for as long as they see fit. Extensions have the longest useful life when they are cared for appropriately and the health of the hair is maintained. You can uninstall, wash and detangle your own hair then reinstall the weave every couple of months to keep matting at bay. There is no need to remove the hair if it is healthy and still looks great!
Are there any myths that you know of that would cause you not to want extensions?