Tips for Sleeping With Extensions
Posted on March 22 2019

We all know that sleep plays a vital role in our overall health, daily functioning and lifestyle. The function of sleep in regards to hair is essential because as the body recuperates, our hair is also repairing itself and growing. The body gets a chance to regenerate itself and bad sleep patterns incur a domino effect in the body; no sleep equals more stress and this in turn equals hair loss or damage. Preparing your natural hair for sleep may involve some product application and maintenance, however wearing extensions has less need for product application but more maintenance of the hair itself. Here are some do’s and don’ts with regards to preparing extensions for sleep:
1.) Don’t ever go to bed with wet hair extensions. Washing and deep conditioning the hair is not only healthy but sometimes convenient for short busy mornings. Going to bed with wet hair is tempting especially when tired but it is very important that the quality of the hair is preserved by keeping it dry and tangle free before going to bed. The reason wet hair is bad for bed is because the dampness encourages the hair to rub together and cause damage and breakage. Tip: If you are a ‘night time washer’ Wash the hair early enough in the evening to allow it time to air dry.
2.) Do wear a loose braid to bed. After a thorough detangle you can opt to wear a loose braid to keep the hair neat and tangle free. The idea is to tame the hair so that it does not rub together and cause breakage. In the morning just loosen the braid style and go!
3.) Do use a satin pillow case. Satin fabric is a godsend for human hair. The smoothness of the surface prevents hair from matting and does not remove the moisture needed to keep hair healthy. Satin pillowcases are said to prevent breakage by leaving the hair hydrated and the hair keeping its luster as you sleep.
4.) Don’t use excessive heat to get the hair dry before bed. Light blow-drying is often recommended when you are in a rush at night and want to get to bed quickly after washing. Tip: Use a heat protectant to avert the damaging effects of excessive heat and protect the hair. Heat causes stress on the hair and can often lead to breakage if not used with care. Use a low setting when blow-drying, this may extend the time but In the long run is very beneficial for keeping the hair healthy.
Please note that generally heat can be used on 100% human hair extensions without fear of damage when used properly. Other types of hair may require the use of less to no heat at all. Consult with a professional for specific details.
Nighttime routines should be easy as well as effective and following these four simple rules will not only allow for a great night of comfortable sleep but can protect your tresses from any wear and tear during the night. After all your hair is worth it!